Networking in Surrey

ISO 9001 doesn't apply to me! (Part 1)

Let’s think about this ...

Why doesn't ISO 9001:2008 apply to you or your organisation?

As we discussed in my last blog the benefits to having a fully functional Quality Management System are that it:

Increased Revenue
Increased Efficiency
Demonstrates Credibility
Improved Process Optimisation
Increased Tender Opportunities
Enhances Customer Confidence
Demonstrates Commitment to Quality
Fully Informed and Motivated Workforce
Demonstrates Commitment to Continual Improvement
Referenced and Concise Procedures, Instructions and Related Documentation

What organisation wouldn't want to be able to prove these points? 

Let me ask another question.

Do you own or do you work for a company that provides a service to other consumer groups? It doesn't matter what size they are.

If the answer is yes to these questions then ISO 9001:2008 does apply.

I'll break it down as simply as I can:

1. What does your organisation do? Have a think about this...

It doesn't matter if it’s only you or there are thousands in your workforce. In general terms what companies do is essentially the same. A customer base is created, the customer base is serviced, the customer base pays for the service provided. There are, of course other functions your organisation does but I'm not going to bog you down with these right now. So, you've worked out what you do and why; these are your Processes.Remember you're doing them ALREADY.      

2. Right; now you know what you do, HOW do you do it? Before you read on, just have a think about this. How do you do your daily tasks? Write the stages down on a piece of paper. These are Procedures and you do them every day. Let me ask you another question.

Is answering the telephone just that? The answer is NO there are at the very least 3 stages. Instructions and Guidelines can also be included in this section but I won't go into them now.

So the largest parts of your Quality Management System are being done. They just need to be documented in a formative way. 

In my next blog we will look at how the Quality Management System is explained in the Quality Manual and some more functions that I guarantee you already do.

In the meantime for any help with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001 and OHAS 18001,
Please Drop Me a Line  and I will be more than happy to discuss your requirements.

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