Networking in Surrey

I once thought a client was a banana...

I once had a client shaped liked a banana. Well, not shaped like a banana as it turned out, at least not full-time. A part-time banana.

I’ll explain. It was at one of my earliest filming sessions. Having prepared a small temporary set in a meeting room, one by one members of the company’s team would come in and do their prepared slot. Being in control of the room, background noise, lighting etc I greeted each person, then could almost sit there merrily drinking coffee whilst they worked through their short script. And they had nice biscuits too.

Then in walked the banana. Or rather a man leaning like a banana. Sat on his stool, he looked completely at ease and aware of his banananess. I said nothing. I mean, what if I mention it only to be embarrassed by some tale of horrific injury or disease? He was comfortable in his own skin, even that of a banana. I left well alone.

A couple of days later, I edited the video segments and sent them over to the client for approval. The results were very good, it all looked pretty and everyone delivered their script well. The banana was particularly good, a bit of a hero for fruit-shaped people everywhere I thought. My phone rang within half an hour...continue reading

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Comment by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on January 10, 2013 at 15:42

I know what you mean Simon - I've had one or two clients in my time who I thought were bananas... :0)

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