Networking in Surrey

This is Ian Hamilton (of the infamous "Free Lunch" seminars!) reporting on 3 interesting events I attended recently.

1. Sat 18/8/12  "Mapps" with Yuliana in Croydon.  I really only went to support my 'friend' but was in for a real treat!  Not only did I meet new, exciting people but I caught up with some 'old' friends too.  Best of all, 3 totally random groups worked avidly together preparing 3 separate (almost working!) business plans from scratch within an hour!!  Such was everyone's enthusiasm that Yuliana + her crew had a job stopping us!!  I've NO commercial interest, I didn't join or buy anything (yet) but I'd recommend ANY business person investing the time to check it out - I'm really glad I did!!

2 & 3.  Tues 21/8/12.  Again I've NO commercial interest in my long time networking associate & friend Keith Grover, but value-for-money (Bangs-for-Bucks as he puts it!) here is absolutely amazing.  I'm so glad that I accepted his invitation to join NiS+ and I'm NEVER gonna ler my membership lapse because I can now attend his NiS+ seminars for FREE!  OK, so I got in @ the rock bottom introductory rate but even @ full price, what a return!!  I never fail to learn something amazing at any of Keith's seminars - and these were no exceptions!!  You really need to be there to fully appreciate my sentiments but suggest any serious business networker considers NiS+ because (on top of all the other benefits) many of Keith's incredible seminars are then FREE!!  AND we're NOT talking Santander's "Free-of-commission-for-life" business accounts here - Keith's integrity is beyond reproach! 

So, 3 marvellous time investments for me recently - how about you?!

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