Networking in Surrey

Fond Farewell to the Business Link name and website (next week)

Business Link the organisation was wound up last November with the demise of the RDAs around the UK.  Now the national website is to be amalgamated with Directgov into a new web presence called GOV.UK.

I have a certain nostalgia for the site having been involved in writing some of the content a few years ago, but that's progress for you!

Here's some info from the Directgov website:

What is GOV.UK?

GOV.UK is a new website that will bring most of the things published by government online under one domain. It is a simpler, clearer and faster way to use government services online. 

GOV.UK will serve the needs of users who currently visit Directgov and Businesslink from 17 October.

Why is GOV.UK better than Business Link?

GOV.UK has been designed to meet users needs first. This will make services and information simpler, clearer and faster to use and understand, while still providing users with comprehensive answers.

Currently, government websites are all built to very different specifications, making them difficult for users to navigate and expensive for government to build and maintain. By reducing the number of publishing platforms and websites GOV.UK will make interacting with government online easier for users, while also saving time and money for government.

You will not need to register to use information or services on GOV.UK, and you will not require a new account or login. Registration is still required for the Contracts Finder but users will be informed separately about this.  

Read more here...

Views: 32

Comment by Irving Levy on October 11, 2012 at 10:58

I agree with you Keith - I also have find memories of Business Link, having been employed as an Adviser Team Leader for 4 years.   As regards the latest re-branding, my question is, why?   The BL "circles" logo is well known, problably better recognised by the business community than or   But maybe the powers that be have woken up to a recent survey which suggested that a very low percentage of UK''s SMEs get their advice and support from Government web sites - thankfully for the likes of you and I, networking provides a viable alternative! 

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