Networking in Surrey

Well, I'm so glad that I made time this year to enter for the 'Best Customer Service Award' which I was given at the National Virtual Assistant (VA) Conference & Awards 2010 in June.

It's so easy to find excuses to not research which awards to enter, then fill out the application form and send it off in good time. However, think of the wonderful recognition you'll get if you win!

I was so delighted to be given the award for outstanding customer service for my clients. It means a great deal to me to have achieved recognition for a part of my business for which I feel passionate about.

The Athena Network has come up trumps again by connecting me with a great PR lady, Jackie Mitchell, JM Communications and a very talented photographer, Juliet Lemon. Juliet's photo of me holding the award and certificate is above and the press release is being drafted as I write.

I'm not generally one to shout my own trumpet, but so many people advised me to make the most of the situation and go ahead with a press release - you never know what it might lead to!

So...why not start researching awards you could enter now?

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