Networking in Surrey

In an increasingly digital world, it is easy to think that business cards are nearing the end of their usefulness.  Not so.  However, to make them work for you there are some overlooked principles which need to be considered:



The design and quality of your cards will speak volumes about you as a person and how you do business.  Doing them well may cost more, but a well designed card (which should match your website) will create an initial impression which is hard to overwrite with a clever blog or a slick presentation.


What to include

I hesitate to say that it should have the following information - it seems so obvious.  However, I have seen so many cards without the basics and they end up in the bin.  So, do make sure you include:


  1. Name (I have honestly seen a business card with no name!)
  2. Mobile phone
  3. Email address
  4. Website address
  5. Company name
  6. What you do


You can also put your social media on there but you have to weigh up whether it is important to make an impact on your card or hope they start to follow you.  Think of your card as a shop window.  What is the best use of that space?  Putting everything possible in the window can obscure your message.  Sometimes less is more.  But not always.  It is a balance.


Business card etiquette

I went to one event where a young woman went round a large room full of networkers simply distributing her cards.   I am sure it was the first meeting she went to.  She made no attempt to connect and, as I know a lot of people in her multi-level-marketing network I decided that she would not be the person I would contact should I want that particular service.  It’s really important that you give your card once you have made a meaningful connection and, preferably, after you have asked for their card.  People are far more interested in you if you first show interest in them.


When receiving a card, do treat it with respect.  Look at it with interest front and back and make a comment if you can, such as what a lovely logo it is.  Or perhaps something about where they are based (if it isn’t included on the card).   Then put the card carefully away as if you value it.  Remember that you are always communicating, even when you’re not talking, so treat the card with as much respect as you would the person.


After the meeting

What do you do with your business cards when you get back to the office?  Most people have stockpiled all their business cards and have done nothing with them.  They are rarely referenced and just take up valuable space, collecting dust.


However, it is best to contact the person by email and say how good it was to meet them.  Perhaps suggest a 1:1 if it appropriate.  You may also want to ask if they would like to be added to your email list (you must ask permission). 


Then put their details into a CRM (customer relationship management system) with all their contact details, what they do and, if you have promised to contact them, a reminder for when you will.  I also like to highlight those that I would like to recommend to others.  So, if I have ten VAs in my system but I know two are exceptional, I will recommend those two.  Referring is a great way of building relationships, trust and credibility if you refer carefully.


And a business based on referrals is a happy business, isn’t it?  Much easier with a good business card.


About Tricia Wooflrey


Tricia Woolfrey, a former global HR director, founded two business in the late 1990s - PW Consulting and Your Empowered Self.  The former provides consultancy, coaching and training to businesses.  The latter provides therapy and coaching to individuals.  She originally set up PW Consutling to provide HR consultancy but has now brought her psychological and nutritional expertise to that practice, specialising in performance, productivity, stress-resilience and wellness. 


Developer of the A-HEAD for Success 5 Dimensional Coaching model, she is an integrative coach, trainer, consultant and wellness practitioner as well as author and speaker.  She has practices in Surrey and Harley Street, London.

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