Networking in Surrey

5 great on-line articles to help you get started with social media for your business

The world of social media can be a strange and scary place, if you aren't used to it (it certainly was for me).  

I have written an article containing links to articles/videos/infographics which I found very useful when trying to understand this mysterious new world and one that is so important for us to get to grips with to help our businesses grow. 

I don’t know about you, but I find the whole world of social media a complex and confusing place. And therefore to be avoided at all costs.  Until recently, Facebook and LinkedIn have been the extent of my on-line presence. Yes, I know that makes me a troglodyte and I’ll be the first to hold my hands up and media

But that’s all had to change and I’ve had to dip my toes (actually, it was more a full body emersion) into this arcane and mysterious world.

These days, as a business, if you are looking for new clients, you have to extend your reach beyond good old fashioned marketing, networking and running free seminars.  And that means embracing social media in its various guises.

Read the full article with the links to the 5 free online resources here: Business and Beyond - views from the Pointy End


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and here's to a happy, healthy and successful 2015.

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