For friendly hints, tips and advice on creating more profit from within, just call 0800 0831 901 for a chat. With clients making between £300 and £55,000 after a 20 minute phone call, maybe you would like a chat too ?
With the majority of businesses bored of the word 'saving money' we like to think that being £300 to £55,000 better off is more about 'creating profit from withi'n that would have otherwise been overlooked and wasted, year on year. Chasing the next sale is not always the obvious answer to business growth. What could you do with the extra £300 or more saved within your business? I know, use it to promote further, invest wiser and build a business stronger!!
With the majority of our advice and expertise being FREE and even the phone call being FREE (0800 0831 901) what do you have to lose by finding out more ??
For outsourced cost reduction analytics just send us your bills and we'll do the rest. It could not be easier.
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
0800 0831 901
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, BoB
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
A great 'bread and butter' business lead for us would be pubs, restaurants and independent shops that currently have their phone lines with BT (as rental has just risen). We save these establishments huge sums 9 times out of 10.
For the 'Icing on the cake' business lead, then printers, schools/colleges, factories and farms.
Thanks for your message and for the link which I shall check out - there's definitely an art to successful network marketing/mlm - are you involved in a mlm yourself?
I'm embarassed to say your name is familiar but I can't think where or if we've met, forgive me....
Thanks for such an endorsement of Utility Warehouse, now tell all your friends!!
Paul, what a star you are! Thanks for your message, most uplifting 8-)
I had a quick look at the web site and the 8min intro video and I can see why you recommended it. I'm a big fan of Ed Ludbrook, Jim Rohn, Allan Pease and others tho I don't always have the presence of mind to practise what they "preach".
Your idea to post on the freebies/offers is a good one and so nice of you to mention. UW seems to have so many generous people like you, I'm amazed. Now all I need to do is take the advice offered to me and do something with it!
May I ask how many PCs/GCs you have after 12yrs in the biz? Don't worry if you'd rather not say. Also what level are you at (if you ARE up for some info sharing!)
I am up for that - ideally with the other Paul too!! Lets wait and see what he says. Failing that, we can arrange to meet and discuss helping each other.
Thanks for the link Paul, I have to admit that I've been a fan of Worre's for months, now and my team are all educated by him! if you go to, this is my biz partner's MVT video channel site where he keeps all the Worre videos for our team to go to, and watch - in order. So thanks for thinking of me, it's much appreciated, why don't you join my Group, The personal branding group, and maybe visit when I start the Cobham/Esher Group hopefully on 3rd May, still got to finalise the venue. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for your message Paul, if you fancy another biz opportunity I'm doing a 'show and tell' tonight at the Holiday Inn Guildford at 7pm for the brilliant MyVideoTalk video products 'out of the box' - do come if you can.
Thanks for your really supportive message Paul and sorry it's taken so long to reply (emails coming out of my ears)
It sounds like you've been HUGELY successful and I aspire to implement the suggestions you mention, but as I don't devote enough time to my UW biz I fear I will fail expectations!
Shame you can't make EDay, it would've been nice to meet, hey ho.
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Good to meet you (however briefly!) last week.
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
Best regards
Oct 25, 2010
Julie Blunt
Hi Paul
Thanks for your message and for the link which I shall check out - there's definitely an art to successful network marketing/mlm - are you involved in a mlm yourself?
I'm embarassed to say your name is familiar but I can't think where or if we've met, forgive me....
Thanks for such an endorsement of Utility Warehouse, now tell all your friends!!
Good to hear from you and thanks for the welcome.
Best regards
Mar 10, 2011
Julie Blunt
Paul, what a star you are! Thanks for your message, most uplifting 8-)
I had a quick look at the web site and the 8min intro video and I can see why you recommended it. I'm a big fan of Ed Ludbrook, Jim Rohn, Allan Pease and others tho I don't always have the presence of mind to practise what they "preach".
Your idea to post on the freebies/offers is a good one and so nice of you to mention. UW seems to have so many generous people like you, I'm amazed. Now all I need to do is take the advice offered to me and do something with it!
May I ask how many PCs/GCs you have after 12yrs in the biz? Don't worry if you'd rather not say. Also what level are you at (if you ARE up for some info sharing!)
Thanks again and best regards
Mar 11, 2011
Elane Vass
Thanks Paul,
I will do as you recommend. I need to find my feet. I am not a good blogger, not tried it, but know in advance. Tweeting is my limit.
Mar 15, 2011
Elane Vass
HI Paul,
I am up for that - ideally with the other Paul too!! Lets wait and see what he says. Failing that, we can arrange to meet and discuss helping each other.
Mar 15, 2011
Tessa Hood
Thanks for the link Paul, I have to admit that I've been a fan of Worre's for months, now and my team are all educated by him! if you go to, this is my biz partner's MVT video channel site where he keeps all the Worre videos for our team to go to, and watch - in order. So thanks for thinking of me, it's much appreciated, why don't you join my Group, The personal branding group, and maybe visit when I start the Cobham/Esher Group hopefully on 3rd May, still got to finalise the venue. Have a great weekend.
Mar 25, 2011
Tessa Hood
Thanks for your message Paul, if you fancy another biz opportunity I'm doing a 'show and tell' tonight at the Holiday Inn Guildford at 7pm for the brilliant MyVideoTalk video products 'out of the box' - do come if you can.
Best wishes,
Mar 30, 2011
Julie Blunt
Thanks for your really supportive message Paul and sorry it's taken so long to reply (emails coming out of my ears)
It sounds like you've been HUGELY successful and I aspire to implement the suggestions you mention, but as I don't devote enough time to my UW biz I fear I will fail expectations!
Shame you can't make EDay, it would've been nice to meet, hey ho.
Mar 31, 2011
Derek Briggs
Many thanks Paul.
Regards, Derek
Apr 19, 2011
Peter West, Graphic Designer
Apr 19, 2011
Rupert Honywood
Thanks Paul - it is great to see that cheeky smiley face again. You are everywhere mate.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Best, Rupert
Apr 20, 2011
Julie Blunt
Hi Paul
Sorry, it took 23 days for me to get notification of your message!!
Happy Easter, hope you're enjoying the sun...
Julie 8-)
Apr 23, 2011