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What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Breakfasts, Free, Lunch, Speed Networking, Women Only
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
07595 643355
0800 5422763
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Glad to be of help, you will be able to recieve latest posts and ideas using that link so well worth putting in your 'favourites' or regestering for email updates.
No problem about PC's, had at one stage just under 400, mainly all small/medium sized businesses. Can't remember group though at its peak. Due to family commitments and other business interests UW took a back seat for the last 5-6 years and yet still get paid. I have only just started getting involved again, but this time using the 'Win A Mini' questionaires as I also want to use that to entice new reps. I have noticed though, that more and more businesses are finally 'waking up and smelling the coffee' by adding UW as a product or service to their core business. So you should definately try to gain good solid contacts on this forum that could become distributors in your team. You may find video email to be the way forward to get infront of people to promote UW. Visit my blog and click on the business section to see what I offer businesses to help promote themselves.
Looks like UW is going to have a wave of interest in the next four weeks after Express Day (sadly I cannot attend) so make sure your prepared to announce it to the World before other reps.
I would not class myself hugely successful. All you need to do is little and often. If UW is not your main income now then keep chipping away for it to become your pension.
Paul Sweeney
Hi Julie
Glad to be of help, you will be able to recieve latest posts and ideas using that link so well worth putting in your 'favourites' or regestering for email updates.
No problem about PC's, had at one stage just under 400, mainly all small/medium sized businesses. Can't remember group though at its peak. Due to family commitments and other business interests UW took a back seat for the last 5-6 years and yet still get paid. I have only just started getting involved again, but this time using the 'Win A Mini' questionaires as I also want to use that to entice new reps. I have noticed though, that more and more businesses are finally 'waking up and smelling the coffee' by adding UW as a product or service to their core business. So you should definately try to gain good solid contacts on this forum that could become distributors in your team. You may find video email to be the way forward to get infront of people to promote UW. Visit my blog and click on the business section to see what I offer businesses to help promote themselves.
Looks like UW is going to have a wave of interest in the next four weeks after Express Day (sadly I cannot attend) so make sure your prepared to announce it to the World before other reps.
Mar 15, 2011
Paul Sweeney
Hi Julie
I would not class myself hugely successful. All you need to do is little and often. If UW is not your main income now then keep chipping away for it to become your pension.
Feel free to contact me anytime.
PS Enjoy ED they are great.
Mar 31, 2011
Paul Sweeney
Hi Julie
Watch this five minute interview. There are 11 more coming if you want to be kept informed just let me know.
Apr 26, 2011