Helping people to go into a New Career or Business
Tell Us About Your Business
We help our members to find a renewed sense of passion and purpose and to assist them in either developing a new career or to move into self employment, or to support them in developing a successful business, to achieve
long term financial security for themselves and
their families
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Ecademy Blackstar Boardrooms
Six Figure Mentors
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Anyone facing early retirement, redundancy or unemployment who is wanting to go into a new career, self employment or business.
Mainly focusing on Ex Police, Ex Armed Forces, Ex Fire, Ex NHS, Ex Council and Ex Civil Servants
Nice to see you here. Welcome to NIS. I'm sure you will find this platform as useful as I have.
When you get a chance check out the ‘Offers & Freebies’ section of the site which you can use to promote your business for free. Just email Keith, he’s great at getting your offer or freebie up and running in no time. And make the most of the blog to help promote your business too.
Feel free to visit my main blog anytime at the address below.
I have just published 'Success Before Start Up' - a book as the title suggests is aimed at helping people prepare for a new business venture. I have just written an artilce for Pathfinder magazine aimed at personnel leaving the armed forces.
I believe that you provide services to this sector and would be interested in talking to you further about running training workshops. If you email me on@ I can provide more information.
Paul Sweeney
Hi Rupert
Nice to see you here. Welcome to NIS. I'm sure you will find this platform as useful as I have.
When you get a chance check out the ‘Offers & Freebies’ section of the site which you can use to promote your business for free. Just email Keith, he’s great at getting your offer or freebie up and running in no time. And make the most of the blog to help promote your business too.
Feel free to visit my main blog anytime at the address below.
Have a fantastic day.
Kind regards
Paul Sweeney
01883 372 737 or 07932 172020
Apr 19, 2011
Paul Sweeney
Hi Rupert
Here's a chap you may have come across, but if you have not then as its free info he shares you may want to pass it out to your UW team.
He's currently running 12 interviews (5 mins each) with a top, top producer and well worth watching.
Apr 26, 2011
Steve Bridger
I have just published 'Success Before Start Up' - a book as the title suggests is aimed at helping people prepare for a new business venture. I have just written an artilce for Pathfinder magazine aimed at personnel leaving the armed forces.
I believe that you provide services to this sector and would be interested in talking to you further about running training workshops. If you email me on@ I can provide more information.
Thanks Steve Bridger 0208 941 2281
Jul 11, 2011