Networking in Surrey


Trusted Referrals Group

Trusted Referrals is a group of business professionals who meet each week for breakfast but more importantly we discuss business and pass referrals.

Members: 1
Latest Activity: May 24, 2023

A long-established independent business referrals breakfast group...

[This group was created by Networking in Surrey not TRG. Please only join it if you are (or would be interested in becoming) a Member of TRG. Use these listings to contact the Members of this NiS TRG group to find out more.]

We trust in our abilities to undertake work on behalf of our friends, family and business connections in a professional and expert manner. Often the referred work means that the client/customer does not go to another supplier as they trust our "word of mouth" recommendation.

TRG meetings are in-person and the group accepts one member from each trade or profession.

Copthorne every Thursday at Copthorne Golf Club 6.30 - 8.30 am

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Members (1)


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Meet  Elizabeth Turner on NiSGold BNI (SME Awards Networking Group of the Year Winner!) is the only BNI networking group in Surrey that meet every week online, with an optional social face to face every month - please click the ad to visit us for free!

GRAB A FREEBIE.(or two!)Click the ad to check out our Network4Free page for dozens of terrific freebies, many of them transcending the Surrey borders.

Meet Tara Jayne Maynard
Come as a Visitor to sample our BNI Woking and Pyrford in-person meetings and discover how very rewarding networking can be for you… please click on the ad and apply to join us as a Visitor to these vibrant, fast-growing groups!

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Emma Selby Farnham Hub

Sean Usher Interviews Keith Grover Part 1

WATCH A VIDEO of Keith telling Sean Usher all about NiS

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