Networking in Surrey


MyTeam Network - 1 GROUP

MyTeam Network (MTN) takes networking into the space between meetings  - because far too many networkers do nothing apart from go to events. We provide a structure for you to follow up in-between meetings to build good relationships with fellow local business people, and help to grow and develop each other’s businesses.

Location: Cobham
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Mar 30, 2021

MyTeam ...because WE are smarter than ME!

[Please note, this group was created by Networking in Surrey, not the MyTeam Network (MTN). Please only join it if you are (or would be interested in becoming) a Member of MTN. Details of meetings are listed on NiS...]

MyTeam is for business people who understand (or want to discover) the power of face-to-face networking. Men and women are equally welcome, and there’s no exclusivity of trade or profession. It’s ‘joined-up networking for grown-ups’!

Cobham (Elmbridge) on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Fairmile Inn

MyTeam meetings are informal! We are in a TeamMeeting situation seated together around the lunch table, so everybody takes part in the general conversation and exchange of ideas, facilitated by the TeamHost. There’s no script, no pitching each other (hooray!) and no ‘wallflowers’ – everybody is involved throughout. 

MyTeam meetings are great value! There's a meeting fee of just £10 and no annual membership, so it's 'pay-as-you-go'. You also pay for your chosen lunch or drink - there's a good choice of dishes on our Lunch menus such as sandwiches, jacket potatoes or soup and a roll (see a sample menu here ). You can have a single dish and a drink for £12. Compare that with the average cost of breakfast meetings - at least £30 each time you go, when you factor in your annual membership and food costs.We pair up as MyTeam Buddies and arrange to have a 1-2-1 before the next meeting (in person or on Skype) which will broadly follow the powerful MyTeam Network ‘Engage – Share – Support - Collaborate’ process. And it works...

"** Drinking coffee in Starbucks and spotted your poster Steph which we'd all played with last week at Keith's MyTeam WorkingLunch! ** Best wishes for your events on March 22 and 27 -  #MyTeamRocks" Jane Tyson on Facebook

At each WorkingLunch meeting we explore a business (or personal development) Topic, chosen by a vote of Members – for example Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Using Twitter for Business, Time Management, Closing the Sale etc. MyTeam is where Business Development and Networking go hand-in-hand - and that's a powerful combination!


MyBoard Premier Membership (by invitation only) 

Please click here to see the Prospectus...

MyBoard is a Mastermind Boardoom group that's been described as 'MyTeam on steroids'!  If you have been invited to apply to join MyBoard and your Membership has been approved, please click this Subscribe link to start your paid membership...

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We design, make and install stunning bespoke blinds and awnings in our factory for private home owners, shops, offices, schools, hospitals, restaurants and hotels.

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"Thanks for getting Google on my side! It's  so nice when you can see a return on your investment."
Emma Selby Farnham Hub

Sean Usher Interviews Keith Grover Part 1

WATCH A VIDEO of Keith telling Sean Usher all about NiS

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