Networking in Surrey

4Networking (Network Central)


4Networking (Network Central)

4Networking used to run face-to-face networking meetings all over the UK. 

During Covid Lockdowns the organisation underwent a radical change and re-invented itself as Network Central. Brad Burton, 4N Founder, stepped down and left the business.

The programme is now a hybrid mix of online and offline events.

Location: Online daily, plus in-person events mainly in the Midlands region
Members: 40
Latest Activity: Nov 5, 2017

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[Please note, this group was created by Networking in Surrey, not 4Networklng . Please only join it if you are interested in attending  group meetings. Use these listings to find 4Networking groups in your area]

Before the Pandemic and Lockdowns decimated in-person networking, 4N Groups met locally for face-to-face events, usually over breakfast. Meetings followed a set pattern with a script, a Member speaker (4Sight) and ended with three ten-minute 1-2-1s arranged during the event. 

When networking went exclusively online, the standard format was relaxed and during Lockdown the organisation ran a 7-day per week programme of online meetings with a variety of themes and formats.This was a markedly different approach from the other national networks.

These online events were open to all Members, even though many were still in effect 'local' and attended mainly by the people who had met in person before the disruption. 

In the aftermath of this shake-up, a new 4N has emerged offering a hybrid mix of online and offline events open to all Members - though the in-person events are of necessity attended by local business folk.

Membership is centrally controlled, and the 4N website features all their events, but we can't possibly offer a standard summary of meeting patterns, times and dates here on Networking in Surrey. 

Whenn we last checked we found that there's an online 4N meeting (sometimes two) every weekday (Members £6+VAT) plus monthly face-to-face meetings (Members £15+VAT including breakfast/brunch or evening meal) in places as diverse as Ely, Derby, Ipswich, Greater Manchester, Nottingham, Newark, Lincoln, Loughborough, Tamworth and Macclesfield.

Check it all out for yourself on the 4N  site here...

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Comment by Julie Parker on August 4, 2017 at 11:23

I'm the Group Leader for Reigate.  This group restarted in June.  Meetings are at The Reigate Manor Hotel every other Wednesday from 8-10 am.  Next meeting is 16th August - why not come along?  For more information, visit

Comment by Graham Harding on November 4, 2016 at 21:14

Hi, I'm the Area Leader for the Camberley and Farnham 4Networking groups. Please let me know if you have any questions about 4N, or those groups. I will also be trying to get each meeting separately listed as an event.

Farnham group meets every other Wednesday at the Princess Royal. Next meeting 9 November.

Camberley group meets on the other Wednesday at Windlesham Golf Club. Next meeting 16 November.

Comment by Adam Stevens on November 3, 2016 at 20:18
Comment by Adam Stevens on November 3, 2016 at 20:18

Remember, I am delivering a ton of talks across this network in November and December 

Comment by Chris Evans on October 10, 2013 at 23:17
Kings wood group has moved to Chequers in a Tadworth
Comment by Sam Millard on January 7, 2013 at 20:52

Croydon Group has moved - again! From January 2013 we will be at The George, George Street, Croydon. First meeting on 10th January.

Comment by Sam Millard on November 28, 2012 at 14:18

Great to have a full listing of 4N meetings. Can I let you all know that Croydon group has just moved venue to The South Park Hotel, South Park Road, South Croydon. CR2 7DY. Effective from tomorrows meeting 29th November. Why not come along and help us settle in?

Comment by Sandra Collins on May 21, 2012 at 18:12

Should be a great meeting at Epsom 4N this week. We have a new team, a great venue and a fab 10 minute from Nick Russell telling us all about the Big Bash!

Comment by Peter Dixon on February 3, 2012 at 12:59

I'm hoping Richard Branson is going to make the Walton/Weybridge 4N group next Friday the 10th Feb. In my email to him, I asked him to give everyone at the meeting some work within the Virgin empire. (I copied Bill Gates just in case Richard can'y make it, but I realise he has further to come). So please join us at The Swan, by the river in Walton! You never know who you might meet!

Comment by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on October 10, 2011 at 19:15

I'm sure being the magnanimous and lovely 4N people we are, we will all forgive you this time!  And in any case, it's a good idea for everybody to add 4NCC to their own 'mental list' of groups to visit!

 (I'm still learning my way around here too... :-)



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