Networking in Surrey

MyTeam Network Lunchtime Online

Event Details

MyTeam Network Lunchtime Online

Time: October 19, 2021 from 12:30pm to 2pm
Location: Online only
Event Type: networking, lunchtime, myteam
Organized By: Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2021

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Event Description

MyTeam Online WorkingLunch - All Welcome!

After our hugely productive and well-received online Boardroom meeting in last month, we're repeating the popular format where any attendee can present a challenge they are facing in their business for the Team to Brainstorm.

Topics will be selected by vote, and the winners will get to sit in the HotSeat while we come up with ideas, feedback and suggestions for ways the issue could be resolved.

We know it's the most powerful (and potentially game-changing) form of networking...

For more than 6 years, MyTeam Network's WorkingLunches have been held at The Fairmile in Cobham. Now we've moved online - but the core values and principles of MyTeam apply.

MyTeam is not your average business networking group - and the world has changed - forever!

Our mantra is 'Engage - Share - Support - Collaborate!' reflecting the stages of development a great networking relationship naturally follows.

Notice that 'Sell' is not included in the Mantra (or our meetings) There's no pitching allowed (not even a 60-second 'enervator' Pitch)! This allows the real human being to step out from behind the 'reluctant salesperson' façade and be true to themselves, and therefore to the Team. 

It's amazing what happens next... come and join us to discover the transformation!

MyTeam WorkingLunches are 'pay-as-you-go' - there's no subscription - and no commitment to attend meetings, no exclusions - and this month's is...

COST: £10 for MyTeam Members and Visitors - booking essential to get the link... 

BOOKING: Please CLICK HERE to book your virtual place... details of how to join the meeting will be sent to all attendees 


What MyTeam is all about…
• MyTeam Network follows an innovative formula for a networking group based on observations of how networking works, and why people do it
• MyTeam is based upon the premise ‘we are smarter than me!’ (and ‘stronger together’ too)
• MyTeam Network gives networkers ‘colleagues’
• MyTeam works in the space between meetings - too many networkers do nothing apart from go to meetings (not because they don't want to, they just don't get around to it - our team system solves that for you!)
• MyTeam doesn’t replace your existing networking – it enhances it

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