Networking in Surrey

FREE: Win It With Clinics Lunchtime Session

Event Details

FREE: Win It With Clinics Lunchtime Session

Time: April 7, 2021 from 1:15pm to 1:45pm
Location: Online only
Event Type: training, online, networking
Organized By: Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Latest Activity: Mar 12, 2021

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Event Description

Free Win It With Clinics Session with Keith - all welcome!


So, how does it work?

1. Set aside a 30-minute slot in your diary each week (say, Wednesdays 2 -2.30 pm) when you will be available on Zoom - as if for a 1-2-1

  • "It's a great idea - you really can't lose by doing this. Everyone loves a freebie and you can get useful contacts while your clients or prospects get valuable info." Gill Salmons, Global Eyes Tax Services

2. Have a Topic for each session which will allow you to demonstrate your expertise, and share useful information and ideas and answer questions around your specialist subject. This is a great alternative to offering a ‘free half hour consultation’ to one person because there’s no ‘sales sub-plot’!

  • "This is a brilliant idea Keith Grover, and one that I am going to copy! Thank you!" Barbara Hibbart, Confidence Coach

3. List it as a recurring even- eg ‘30-minute (Your Subject) Clinic’) on Eventbrite - and use the platform’s facilities (emailing attendees, guest lists, notifications etc) without charge, as it's a free event.

  • "Love this idea Keith, I'm keen to put it into practice!" Bruce Adam, Technical & Creative Director, Marketec

4. Tell everybody about it - including at networking events - hey, it's a free offer!

RISK-FREE? If nobody books in, you’ve lost nothing – in fact, you get your half hour back.
UPSELLS... Promote your paid-for products and services alongside the free offer at networking meetings and on Eventbrite, as well as during the event itself.

Simple, effective - and free!

If you've been to one of my free 30-Minute LinkedIn Clinics you've seen this in action... now discover how to do it yourself to promote your own business - FREE!


BOOKING: Please CLICK HERE to book your free place


For the full 'Learn2Love LinkedIn' experience, check out my 2-hour Workshop and Course Combo here...

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