Networking in Surrey

BoB Club Breakfast, Kingston

Event Details

BoB Club Breakfast, Kingston

Time: January 31, 2013 from 6:45am to 8:30pm
Location: The Holiday Inn KT6 5QQ
Street: Portsmouth Road
City/Town: Surbiton KT6 5QQ
Website or Map:…
Phone: 07810 486 031
Event Type: breakfast, referral-based, surbiton/kingston
Organized By: Paul Milsom
Latest Activity: Jan 19, 2013

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Event Description

BoB Club Kingston Breakfast at The Holiday Inn, Surbiton

Our approach and culture is very different to the way many businesses have networked in Surrey in the past. 

Our fortnightly meetings provide the platform to network in a professionally structured environment that is relaxed and free of undue pressure.

Each meeting, every member is given an opportunity to do a short business overview to the group and one member is given 10 minutes to carry out a more comprehensive “Showcase” presentation about their business.

Securing your exclusive place at BoB Clubs means you have a better chance of gaining quality referrals as you have members within the club promoting and recommending your products and services by word-of-mouth.

Being a member of BoB Clubs helps you find new customers easier and quicker than your competition.

Another benefit is you have the opportunity to improve your presentation and communication skills as well as boosting your confidence.

COST: £10 to visit, covers meeting fee and breakfast

BOOKING: Please CLICK HERE to reserve your place online at or call Paul on 07810 486 031


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