Hi everyone my name is Richard Homer. My company Fearless Defence provides self defence and conflict managment training. Not only do I provide easy to learn and highly effective self defence techniques (and principles) I also provide seminars on the law in respect of self defence and conflict managment training. So if you are a lone worker such as health visitor, social worker or taxi driver or you are in a vulnerable position such as a school teacher, community midwife or nurse and you need self defence training and/or advice please visit my website at www.FearlessDefence.com. Thank you.
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Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Hi Richard
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
When you get a moment, it would be great to see your photo in place of the 'anonymous silhouette' provided by the software!
Best regards
Aug 3, 2011