Co-working space and business incubation work hub. I also own a software consultancy
Tell Us About Your Business
Co-working & business incubation work hub with flexible work, meeting room, training & event space that can be booked on a month to month basis without entering into a long term agreement. Mentoring & coaching is available for small businesses, start-ups & entrepreneurs as well as training courses on a range of topics from social media through to business finance.
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Freelancers, homeworkers, start-ups, entrepreneurs and small businesses needing flexible office space and meeting rooms but also to build a network of small businesses in the area for collaboration and mutual support in our separate ventures
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
Now that your profile is live, it would be great if you could take a moment to post your photo in place of the 'anonymous silhouette' provided by the software within 48 hours please!
Hi Alec - thanks for your comment. Yes, that would be of interest. Can you ping me an email and outline what you are thinking of? ... thanks, V.
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Hi Alec
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
Now that your profile is live, it would be great if you could take a moment to post your photo in place of the 'anonymous silhouette' provided by the software within 48 hours please!
Best regards
Nov 14, 2013
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
All done Alec! Thanks for these, and for your blog post, which is also now live on NiS. Hope the Hub's doing really well for you...
Nov 14, 2013
Vanessa Lanham-Day
Hi Alec - thanks for your comment. Yes, that would be of interest. Can you ping me an email and outline what you are thinking of? ... thanks, V.
Nov 20, 2013