Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
017 3730 0480
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Venture Catalyst
Surrey Chambers of Commerce
Ladies at 11
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Any business owner who understands the benefit of investing a little time and cash on a regular basis to keep their technology running well and up to date over paying only when it's all gone horribly wrong.
Well, we're still 'small and friendly', and it helps being niched down to networking and Surrey. The ethos is about using online technology to foster and facilitate offline, in-person networking, 'cos that's where relationships are formed and business happens...
Just wait 'til we're big, corporate and filthy-rich, and see if we can adhere to our lofty principles!
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
Best regards
Oct 21, 2010
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Just wait 'til we're big, corporate and filthy-rich, and see if we can adhere to our lofty principles!
Oct 21, 2010
Bernice White
Good to see you on here..
I am thinking of going along to a new networking group in Horley - is that an area of interest to you?
Feb 7, 2011