We provide full consultancy services and packages for companies that wish to franchise their operations nationally.
We have substantial franchise experience at all levels.
Our other activities are 0800 HANDYMAN, 0800 TAXICAB, WEIRDOS AND PHONE NAMES.
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT freelancecopy.co.uk) plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
020 8481 2107
07903 758258
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Any stable, profitable company that can be replicated any where and the owners of the company have a real desire to expand the business.
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
When you get a moment, it would be great to see your photo in place of the 'anonymous silhouette' provided by the software! Can I also ask you to use Upper and lower case letters for your name, both for consistency with the site style, and because in online circles using capital letters is regarded as 'SHOUTING'...
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Hi Brian
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
When you get a moment, it would be great to see your photo in place of the 'anonymous silhouette' provided by the software! Can I also ask you to use Upper and lower case letters for your name, both for consistency with the site style, and because in online circles using capital letters is regarded as 'SHOUTING'...
Best regards
Nov 25, 2011