I am an accredited life coach, parent coach and writer's coach based in Weybridge, Surrey. I help people who're stuck, overwhelmed, confused or unfulfilled in their lives - personally or professionally, supporting them in finding new perspectives and making powerful choices, overcoming lack of confidence and motivation, deepening their self-awareness and creating a future they're inspired by. As a professional co-active coach, accredited by the International Coach Federation, Coaches Training Institute and Relational Dynamics 1st, I love to work with people who want to make changes in their life, who want to live each day fully engaged in something they're passionate about, rather than merely ticking the days of their precious life off the calendar.
As a qualified parenting group facilitator, I offer courses to help parents with communication skills, relationships within (and without) the family, and learning how to bring more fun, joy and harmony into family life.
I also combine coaching with my passion for creative writing and offer both 1-1 coaching and coaching / creative writing workshops to connect writers with their creativity, to help them to identify and overcome obstacles, and to discover and achieve their writing goals.
I'm really looking forward to attending the National Achievers Congress at ExCel on Monday 4 July as one of the coaches on the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) stand offering free coaching sessions to delegates. With presentations by Anthony Robbins, Lord Alan Sugar and Sir Richard Branson over the three days, I'm sure there will be amazing people to coach. We're on Stand 13 around the speed networking bar, so if you're going to the event, do drop in for a free coaching session.
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Evening, Free, Informal, Seminars, Speed Networking, Women Only, Workshops
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT freelancecopy.co.uk) plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
info AT inspirationcoaching.biz
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
I also am group leader for Walton Ladies at 11, meeting every 2nd Monday of the month from 11am to 1pm at The Swan, Manor Road, Walton on Thames, Surrey
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Someone who knows there is more to him or herself and to life and wants more fun, fulfilment or success (coaching); a parent who wants better relationships and a greater sense of fun and harmony in the family (parenting); writers who want to move beyond their fears, nerves, lack of confidence,
Really sorry that we had not time to chat. Please take a look at www.thewritecopy.co.uk to fill in the blanks - if you need any help at all please give me a call
Gr8 to have you connected here too! Hope all is going well for you. I have a new job working for Capita on the 2011 Census - recruiting 35,000 people to suport the activity. At least it's a role until end March.
Sorry not to be able to come to 4N Twickenham tomorrow but I'm Operations Assistant at Wimbledon and we clash! Hope to hear your 4Sight sometime; come and present to Wimbledon one Friday?
Yes it would be great to book you in for a free networking event here in June.
Please email me on the work email and I will book you in. I have all dates apart from the 16/17 which are now booked.
Also if you are interested in volunteering at the music festival that would be great, its also a good opportunity to meet other local people and network.
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Wonderful to see you on the site - not before time, I might add! Also great to see you at lunchtime today..
Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.
Best regards
Nov 29, 2010
Oliver Barry
Nov 29, 2010
Rosemary Hemmett
Nov 29, 2010
Gillian Bentham
Nov 30, 2010
Steve Bridger
Really sorry that we had not time to chat. Please take a look at www.thewritecopy.co.uk to fill in the blanks - if you need any help at all please give me a call
Best wishes
Steve B
Nov 30, 2010
Tricia Woolfrey
Nov 30, 2010
David Nunn
Gr8 to have you connected here too! Hope all is going well for you. I have a new job working for Capita on the 2011 Census - recruiting 35,000 people to suport the activity. At least it's a role until end March.
Speak soon!
Best regards,
Nov 30, 2010
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Nov 30, 2010
David Nunn
Nov 30, 2010
Len Goss
All the best
Dec 3, 2010
Nigel Hall
Hi Sonia
Thank you for the invitation to connect. Look forward to catching up soon.
Jan 12, 2011
Evonne Brown
Feb 3, 2011
Sally Burrough
Hi Sonia,
Sorry not to be able to come to 4N Twickenham tomorrow but I'm Operations Assistant at Wimbledon and we clash! Hope to hear your 4Sight sometime; come and present to Wimbledon one Friday?
Feb 3, 2011
Marcia Stratta
Hi Sonia,
Thanks for your message.
Yes it would be great to book you in for a free networking event here in June.
Please email me on the work email and I will book you in. I have all dates apart from the 16/17 which are now booked.
Also if you are interested in volunteering at the music festival that would be great, its also a good opportunity to meet other local people and network.
I look forward to your email.
Jun 3, 2011