The Business Rescue Centre
The SOS Emergency Fund, access to debt advice, credit control templates, legal advice line, HMRC Guidance and concessions, Business Turnaround Resources, advice for companies in trouble.
LIVE Streaming* of Networking Events
Now you don’t have to leave the office to attend all the country/worldwide events within BGN; instead, just log onto our site and watch the full event in its entirety. Platinum Members get 3 FREE online Streaming Events, otherwise per event prices start from £7.00
30-Day Archived videos of all events in the club*
This is an ever growing database of videos from live events in the BGN every month – Gold Members have a 5 day archive of around half the events, Platinum members have access to all events for up to 30 days.
BGN Family Success Support Centre
Meet single professionals, attend special events and bring the family along, get support to stay strong in your relationships (marriage, personal and spousal relationships), Monthly ‘Let’s Talk Relationships’ Online LIVE streaming events, Regular articles on keeping strong in business, encouraging a work/life balance, assisting you to avoid workaholism, plus health and wellness advice and info.
Exclusive: The ‘One MT Club’
A special group for members who have a minimum turnover of one million pounds (or equiv. in overseas currency). The additional membership costs £1,600 per year; and open members up to a myriad of exclusive and luxury services, support, courses and much more. Application Only.
Promotional Tools
* Profile/Promotional Page (your own profile page to advertise and promote your business to other BGN members and the world!)
* Listing in the ‘Business Card Directory’
* Present a ‘Know It All’ Video that we’ll market for you (Platinum only)
* Advertising discounts on the BGN site
* Ability to contribute to the BGN Online Magazine
* Create special offers especially for BGN Members
* Free access to a teleconference line for your sales and marketing activities
Access to Sub-Club Events
Property, Women in Business, Ethnic Minority Business, Young Entrepreneurs, New Media/Fast Growth, Social Entrepreneurs. These events take place online and at live events.
Central Focus Group
Test your business ideas and products, get testimonials and figure out how to improve your services and get more customers using the opinions of ‘the Joe Bloggs customer’. This is an invaluable resource.
Other Great Benefits
* Monthly Online Newsletter
* Special Member Offers through bulk buying
* Social Networking Site
* Access To Business Giants Network TV
* Discounted learning and training services
Speakers Directory
Apply to get a listing in the speakers’ directory (giving yourself a bigger chance to share your knowledge and increase your exposure/sales). If you’re good, you’ll get booked to speak and share your knowledge.
The Barter Club
Barter for services you need and offer what you have of value; and without exchanging a penny, work with business owners within BGN to help each other grow.
Funding Consultant Meeting
Access to meet a funding consultant and discover if your business can access any funding, loans and grants.
‘Freedom Pass’
Ability to attend any event in the BGN Community. All standard meetings attract a nominal event fee (usually around £10). Including REWARDS for attending at participating branches – using the BGN Loyalty Scheme.
LIVE and Pre-Recorded Virtual Webinars
Watch live and recorded interviews with experts, mini-courses and seminars and informational webinars. All events are either free or at a nominal cost.
Franchise Central
Lots of information to help you figure out how to franchise your business or plus a franchise directory.
Joint Venture Central
Find joint venture partners for your next business deal, and look for great business opportunities.
* Welcome Pack containing your Free Bonuses (if you register at an event on your first visit), Your Own Brass Name Badge.
FREE 10 Top Pitching Tips Mini-Course worth £50
FREE Branding & PR Mini-Course worth £250
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
BGN, BusinessScene, Ecademy, here
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Good to hear from you! Biz Giants is an interesting addition to the networking scene - the more the merrier, say I!
sadly I really don't have time to look at any of the numerous biz opps that land on my desk at the moment - this site takes up any 'spare time' I might have after running my other businesses. :0)
I'll watch the progress of the BGs - are you thinking of getting involved? If so, please keep me posted...
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Good to hear from you! Biz Giants is an interesting addition to the networking scene - the more the merrier, say I!
sadly I really don't have time to look at any of the numerous biz opps that land on my desk at the moment - this site takes up any 'spare time' I might have after running my other businesses. :0)
I'll watch the progress of the BGs - are you thinking of getting involved? If so, please keep me posted...
Have fun!
Apr 13, 2010
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Thanks for keeping me in the loop with what's occurring at BGN...
Have fun!
May 9, 2010
Danae Duemke
May 20, 2010