BNI Guildford Business Breakfast, Guildford

BNI Guildford Business Breakfast at The Boathouse Cafe

Guildford BNI is the perfect place to visit to make new friends and business contacts - people like you, who want to build their business and at the same time help their new friends grow theirs.

BNI Guildford Members help each other grow their businesses by using a confident, organised and trained referral group that empowers them to grow fundamental, long-term relationships, with other successful business people.

We meet every Thursday in person at 6:45am at The Boathouse in Guildford

For years Guildford BNI has had a major role as a leading business group, due to BNI being the most successful business networking establishment in the UK and the world as a whole.

The philosophy of BNI is “Givers Gain” - if you help others to win business, they will want to help you to win business in return; it’s simple and it works!

COST: £16

BOOKING: Please go to our website here... to register your interest in joining us as a Visitor and we'll be in touch


Time: May 9, 2024 from 6:45am to 9:15am

Location: The Boathouse Cafe GU1 3XJ

Street: Millbrook Car Park

City/Town: Guildford GU1 3XJ

Website or Map:,-0.5738145,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x4875d1dae0dc5f97:0xdebad10337fd0fd3!8m2!3d51.2317565!4d-0.5738145!16s%2Fg%2F11v12zx360?entry=ttu

Phone: 01932 620100

Event Type: networking