Springis definitely in the air, as we approach theend of May(and you guessed it, yet anotherBank Holiday!) For now though, it's afull working weekwith a host ofnetworking meetings,in-personandonline, listed on our site.
The original premise ofNetworking in Surrey when we launched some12 years ago(I know!) was listinglocalin-person networking events to helpSurrey-based businessesconnectandengagewith each otherface to face.
In this post-Pandemic era, there are unquestionably morevirtual networking meetingsthanin-personones out there inNetworkland. Theconvenienceof attending from thecomfortof yourown office(or kitchen table!) and the freedom from geographical limitations (time zone differencesnotwithstanding) mean that we now all have acornucopiaofnetworking eventsat our disposal, and many arefreeor low-cost, with zero travelling timeorexpense.
It'sdeffoabuyer's market- frustratingly so for thelive networking eventsorganisers, many of whom have spentyearsbuilding up theirin-person groupsuntil Covidpulled the rug outfrom under them.
And yet... if you lookcarefullyat your ownnetworks, I'm guessing thatin most casesyou'll find themajorityof yourconnectionsare with people you have metface to face - and that these are also most likely going to introduce and referyou tolocalprospectsandcustomers.
This is ahistorical phenomenon- ournetworkswere not formed overnight - we've spentyearsdeveloping them in thepre-Pandemic world.
Videois not a'natural medium'of engagement betweenhumans(after all, itkilled the Radio Star, as anyBugglewill tell you :0) We're all still getting used to thisupstart virtual networkingaftermillennia of meetingin-personaround the campfire or breakfast table.
And look - of theeventswithfull-page listingsonNetworking in Surreynext week, 8 areLive!and 6online.
Video Killed the Radio Star - will it kill Live Networking?
by Keith Grover, NiS Founder
May 19, 2023
Spring is definitely in the air, as we approach the end of May (and you guessed it, yet another Bank Holiday!) For now though, it's a full working week with a host of networking meetings, in-person and online, listed on our site.
The original premise of Networking in Surrey when we launched some 12 years ago (I know!) was listing local in-person networking events to help Surrey-based businesses connect and engage with each other face to face.
In this post-Pandemic era, there are unquestionably more virtual networking meetings than in-person ones out there in Networkland. The convenience of attending from the comfort of your own office (or kitchen table!) and the freedom from geographical limitations (time zone differences notwithstanding) mean that we now all have a cornucopia of networking events at our disposal, and many are free or low-cost, with zero travelling time or expense.
It's deffo a buyer's market - frustratingly so for the live networking events organisers, many of whom have spent years building up their in-person groups until Covid pulled the rug out from under them.
And yet... if you look carefully at your own networks, I'm guessing that in most cases you'll find the majority of your connections are with people you have met face to face - and that these are also most likely going to introduce and refer you to local prospects and customers.
This is a historical phenomenon - our networks were not formed overnight - we've spent years developing them in the pre-Pandemic world.
Video is not a 'natural medium' of engagement between humans (after all, it killed the Radio Star, as any Buggle will tell you :0) We're all still getting used to this upstart virtual networking after millennia of meeting in-person around the campfire or breakfast table.
And look - of the events with full-page listings on Networking in Surrey next week, 8 are Live! and 6 online.
Isn't that interesting?