March-ing Forwards into Spring Together!

It's proving to be a soggy start to Spring - I know we need the rain, but still... 

Everything's sunny and bright in Networkland though, as the return of in-person networking shows no signs of abating. Long-established local organisations such as Fabulous Networking and the Omni Business Development Network are reviving their pre-Covid face-to-face groups and opening new ones, while continuing to hold some meetings online

From the opposite angle, online Lockdown start-up Zoco has nationwide (even international) reach, but as yet its membership base is still predominantly local (Southeast UK) so it's introducing in-person meetings to its portfolio.

Talking of which, Zoco Head Honcho  Nick Blanchard has kindly agreed to give our 2,400+ NiS Members access to the 4 video extracts from his recent 'How To Network Like A Pro' event - taken together, they provide a powerful guide to what is and isn't working in today's networking rooms, real or virtual!

These are the links (you'll also find them in our NiS Video Library here...) :

  • Leonie Wright spoke about being patient when Networking and how it takes 7-8 months normally before you start bearing fruit! Watch Video...
  • Phil Coley gave a brilliant example to help you make your 60 seconds THE BEST! Watch Video...
  • Gillian Stafford talked about the relationship between Networking & Social Media Watch Video...
  • Neile Giller  spoke about many things, mostly how to Network ‘nicely’ and not be a tool! Watch video...

WARNING: At certain points yours truly pops up with a few words of wisdom, on the pretext that I might have learned a bit about business networking after thirty years at it (and twelve years running Networking in Surrey) - I'll let you be the judge!

[Image created using Dall-E Open AI - 'A colorful mad March hare marching with a Spring in its step in the style of Sheppard']