Networking in Surrey


Here at Cinnamon active we've just  launched our new 2011 client promotion with a bright idea - under the slogan
"corporate events at your fingertips". The promotion (due to go out in February) takes the form of a real nailfile - chosen to highlight the simplicity of working with Cinnamon active - branded with our sales messages. The slogan “corporate events at your fingertips” will be used throughout 2011 on email newsletters, print and websites.

This cute(icle) idea, enforced by the “snappy” slogan to hammer home the message, has been given the thumbs up from everyone who has seen it. The concept was the brainchild of Tracey, who runs the Cinnamon office, who definitely deserves a big hand!

Do you ask your staff or contacts for bright ideas for promotional activities? Who knows what they might come up with, that you would never think of? Give it a try...

Good luck! 

Cinnamon active

PS Would you like a FREE nailfile?

Call us on 0208 979 0331 and we will be delighted to oblige… subject to availability (they are a hot item!)


Views: 41

Comment by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on February 8, 2011 at 17:42


Tell Tracey I'm not surprised she thought of that one - being something of a filing expert (and she has got lovely nails :0)

And yes, I do know I am 'dead meat' next time I call into Aztec House for a coffee...

Comment by Keith Tunnicliffe on February 9, 2011 at 8:26
Must say, I am a great lover of catchy straplines and this works. Must knuckle down and find one for myself!
Comment by Paul Maung-Maung on February 9, 2011 at 19:32
Thank you, nice to get feedback, especially when its positive!
Comment by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on February 10, 2011 at 11:15
I'm a fine one to point the 'finger' Keith, so 'thumbs-up' from me for another terrible pun...
Comment by Paul Maung-Maung on February 10, 2011 at 12:01
Mr Grover you are King of the one liners... Not like you to point the finger, you more likely to make a FIST of thing!

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