Networking in Surrey

It’s 125ft long & 15ft high and viewed by 30,000 vehicles every day. What is it? John's Big Billboard, of course!

Long-time NiS Members will remember the story of this monster marketing tool as recounted in a blog post here last December. Frequent site Sponsor John Udal of the Best of Camberley took over a derelict billboard by the A30 and rransformed it onto a local landmark with his innovative design featuring his Best Of member businesses.

It currently looks like this:

and John's changing the layout a bit for 2012 to give businesses a chance to take a bigger pitch as per fhe new design:


Whichever way you look at it, it's a whopper! Satisfied customer and fellow NiS Member Steve Coburn of Project Five was delighted to feature on the current version:  "Well Done John - you've done us all proud, again. Thank you, Steve C."

John's proving that it can pay to think big in business - and that even smaller companies can have access to big media if they share it with a little help from their friends. If you have a big business idea to share with us, please post a blog about it here on NiS...


If you would like 30,000 people to see your ad on John's Big Billboard, contact him here on NiS or call John on  01344 874091 or 07825 414432 for a friendly chat about it.

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