Antonio Falco – The Sales Director
The 3 key elements.
I believe there are 3 key elements building a successful sales team
The People: It’s right that people are your most precious assets. To build a successful sales team requires you to have a detailed knowledge and experience of both sales and managing a team.
You need to understand the essence of the individual – what makes them tick – and how then to:
• Motivate
• Direct
• Manage
• Develop
This isn’t easy or straightforward.
If your sales team is not delivering the results your business needs, ask yourself how much longer you and your business can afford not to get professional help to fix the problem?
The Strategy: Most businesses do not have a clear and focused sales strategy. Too often the strategy is to sell to everyone! That is not a strategy but merely relying on hope. Understanding how to develop a strategy and create a plan to deliver sales needs specialist in-put.
So what are the key elements of a sales strategy?
• Understanding your potential customers
• Having a plan to approach them
• Knowing why they would buy
• A robust sales process and defined sales cycle.
But KEY to any sales strategy is having the right person to manage and deliver on that strategy.
The Numbers: It seems straightforward. Set a sales target and hope the team meets it. But for me, in order to achieve sales targets, I’m looking at skill levels and Sales Activity.
• Calls,
• Emails
• Sales meetings
• Proposals
• Presentations, demonstrations.
It’s sales activity and a strong work ethic that makes things happen without which you cannot build a pipeline or a forecast that eventually delivers - Sales.
Without activity you have no sales.
Activity targets, sales targets and a great commission plan are the numbers that are key to success in sales.
I’m working with UK based businesses in the UK, Europe and the USA; if you want to see your sales grow call me - The Sales Director
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Antonio has been a friend and colleague for several years. We first met through Ecademy. We are both ardent networkers and recognise the value of keeping in regular contact with customers, colleagues and friends.
Aernout Fabius
Jun 19, 2010
Geoff Williamson
Sorry not to have responded before
Jul 24, 2010
Tessa Hood
Nov 10, 2010