My name is Bob Bristow and I help people Save Money and teach people how to Make Money, in partnership with an multi-award-winning FTSE250 company
I receive Income by recommending top-rated, recession-proof services, and get paid AGAIN when ever my members switch on a light, turn up the heating, cook a meal, make a call, send a text, surf the internet, at home or in their business. every time and forever
I work Stress-Free from home during hours that suit me, with no boss, no staff, no stock and no unpaid invoices. I get free, full and ongoing training, development and support and with a simple duplication system can earn as much as I desire, and best of all I am creating a Passive Residual Income, ensuring a secure, time-rich future for my family and me. www.WhatsItAllAbout.TK
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
If you'd like to spread the word about Kingston Biscotti, why not come and visit Richmond 4 Networking this Thursday 26th Jan, cost £10. Starts 8am ends 10am. We've 30 booked in already and after the event, professional photographer Trevor Aston will be doing portrait photos for just £10, which you may find useful.
Please email me if you'd like to attend this, or one of our future events. We meet at One Kew Road, right opposite Richmond Station and have arranged free car parking if you come by car.
H Bob sorry just saw your message don't come on here that much on FB mainly! Not attending many networking event at the moment but always be good to hear more about what you do.
Jane Lester
Thank you Bob. I'm not able to join you this month but will hopefully be able to in future months.
I hope it goes well.
Kind regards
Jan 10, 2012
Dan Smale
Hi Bob
If you'd like to spread the word about Kingston Biscotti, why not come and visit Richmond 4 Networking this Thursday 26th Jan, cost £10. Starts 8am ends 10am. We've 30 booked in already and after the event, professional photographer Trevor Aston will be doing portrait photos for just £10, which you may find useful.
Please email me if you'd like to attend this, or one of our future events. We meet at One Kew Road, right opposite Richmond Station and have arranged free car parking if you come by car.
Jan 24, 2012
Dianna Bonner
H Bob sorry just saw your message don't come on here that much on FB mainly! Not attending many networking event at the moment but always be good to hear more about what you do.
Many Thanks Dianna
Feb 29, 2012