I can provide chocolate bars with wrappers branded with your logo. These bars, which come in a variety of sizes, can be used as a promotional tool or just to keep your customers happy!
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT freelancecopy.co.uk) plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Businesses that are exhibiting at trade shows and what something a bit different to handout as give-aways.
I don't specialise as such as I work across a broad spectrum of issues, but anxiety, depression and insomnia are the most common reasons people come to see me. I've also had great success with treatment of phobias. I'm going to be making an effort to network more whenever possible, so looking forward to meeting you!
Thanks Graham for the welcome. I have just joined YRH and planning my schedule around my induction . I am planning to focus on Guildford initially and will keep an eye on forthcoming meetings in the region. Regards Adrian
Mehewish Pusey
Thank you Graham.
I look forward to meeting you.
Sep 16, 2017
Elaine Way
Hello Graham,
I don't specialise as such as I work across a broad spectrum of issues, but anxiety, depression and insomnia are the most common reasons people come to see me. I've also had great success with treatment of phobias. I'm going to be making an effort to network more whenever possible, so looking forward to meeting you!
Sep 22, 2017
Adrian Frost
Thanks Graham for the welcome. I have just joined YRH and planning my schedule around my induction . I am planning to focus on Guildford initially and will keep an eye on forthcoming meetings in the region. Regards Adrian
Nov 23, 2017