Business Advice, Finance, Mentoring, Planning & Support
Tell Us About Your Business
Aren’t SatNav systems great! Tap in a couple of post codes, set off, and a calm voice provides all the instructions you need. Your Satnav helps to reduce your travel costs, keep you on course, and even offers alternative routes when you meet obstacles, or miss your turning.
Your business journey…
You’re on a journey in your business too. You need to plan your route carefully to avoid hazards, congestion and accidents, and be prepared to deal with the unexpected. Too many businesses miss out the planning stage, which is one reason why 90% of businesses fail.
Satnav keeps your business on track!
SatNav4Business helps you avoid failure, and reach success!. Our “touch buttons” give you access to information, guidance and practical support – fast! Behind the buttons you’ll find a ‘people company’ with a vast amount of business start up, business management, strategy and finance experience and expertise.
Please take Satnav for a test drive – just visit our website click on a button in our logo to find out more.
Or contact Jeremy Webb for a free initial one hour meeting to see how we might help your business to get where you want it to
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Biznik, eCademy, Facebook, FSB, IoD, Kingston Chamber of Commerce, Leatherhead Chamber of Commerce, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Raw Business, Rotary Club of Kingston upon Thames, Surrey Chambers
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Anyone wishing to start or grow a business
Those looking to exit their business and cash in on the value they have created
Anyone looking for help raising finance or having difficulty in doing so
Delighted to be nominated as a friend on this site - things are just starting to develop - I think people/businesses must be coming out of the igloos to scent the sweet smell of spring. Well lets hope so anyway!
For information, Jeremy and I are former colleagues from Barclays Bank and we briefly worked in the same branch in kingston upon Thames (1989-1991), before I left banking in August 1993. We have kept in touch over the years though Kingston and Surrey Chamber networking events.
Good luck and best wishes in your new role as busines adviser with Webbery Associates.
Steve Bridger
Delighted to be nominated as a friend on this site - things are just starting to develop - I think people/businesses must be coming out of the igloos to scent the sweet smell of spring. Well lets hope so anyway!
Mar 12, 2010
Graham Whittle
Looking forward to catching up.
Mar 12, 2010
Aernout Fabius
For information, Jeremy and I are former colleagues from Barclays Bank and we briefly worked in the same branch in kingston upon Thames (1989-1991), before I left banking in August 1993. We have kept in touch over the years though Kingston and Surrey Chamber networking events.
Good luck and best wishes in your new role as busines adviser with Webbery Associates.
Aug 3, 2010
Jon Jackson
Oct 20, 2010