Networking in Surrey

LAUNCH EVENT: 4Networking Breakfast, Croydon Central

Event Details

LAUNCH EVENT: 4Networking Breakfast, Croydon Central

Time: October 20, 2011 from 8am to 10am
Location: Fairfield Halls CR9 1DG
Street: Park Lane
City/Town: Croydon CR9 1DG
Website or Map:…
Phone: 020 8462 0669
Event Type: breakfast, croydon_central, 4networking
Organized By: Christine Collen
Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2011

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Event Description

4N Croydon Central Launch at Fairfield Halls

Croydon Central Launch - book up now!

4Networking gives you the essentials you need: People, Appointments, Business and Support.

The 4N culture is relaxed and friendly, network where you want, when you want. 4Networking is 50% business, 50% social and it works. Just be yourself, you’ll be very welcome.

What do I need to bring with me?
   1. A smile
   2. Lots of business cards
   3. Company literature
   4. 10pounds cash to cover meeting costs

COST: £10 meeting fee (includes breakfast)

Non-members can register for FREE online membership to come along for a trial meeting (cost £10) and enjoy 'the 4Networking experience' - give it a go!




Here's a Networking in Surrey tip (don't tell 4N we told you!). At launch events, the six-month Membership offer you get when you attend your first meeting is usually slashed  by 50%. That''a all we're saying, and no promises - but if you get the chance it's a no-brainer :o)

Comment Wall

Comment by Sam Millard on October 11, 2011 at 12:37

I am so looking forward to Croydon opening and have booked my breakfast seat already.

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